L-R Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman, Kaleema Haidera Nur (my younger daughter) and Libra Malika Finley (my oldest daughter and child).
We were small in number but big in spirit!
It was a day for lots of hugs!
The Choir of the UU Church of Charlotte sang like angels and offered a range of music including: Wade in the Water, Every Time I Feel the Spirit, and the choral postlude was Siyahamba, a South African freedom song that they sang in honor of my plans to begin my ministerial career in South Africa. Jennifer McLeod, soloist (first row far right) sang I Believe I Can Fly and made me cry.
L-R Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman and Rev. Leslie Takahashi Morris leading up to the Laying on of Hands Ceremony.
Charles Thomas on the right and friend opening up the Ordination Ceremony with drumming
Ordination Ceremony
Well, my pictures have arrived and I have relived my ordination all over again. Here are a few pictures that captured this wonderful day and event that I wanted to share with everyone!