Approximately thirty Unitarian Universalist seminarians, ministers and for the first time,religious educators of color gathered in Burlingame, CA at the Mercy Retreat Center on March 5-8, 2008 to provide peer learning and support, and spiritual, emotional and mental networking. We gathered from all around the country comprised of African Americans, Native Americans, Latina/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islanders and Middle Eastern Unitarian Universalists of color. At present, there appears to be approximately 47 fellowshipped ministers of color and 50 ministers of color in candidate status in our movement and denomination that currently represents a total of 1,700 ministers.
This years retreat was spent in wonderful worship experiences singing and being present with one another tapping various spiritual disciplines.
The following pictures capture some of the highpoints of the Retreat.
Blessed Be - Rev. Dr. Qiyamah A. Rahman