Friday, September 18, 2009

Black Unitarian Universalist Women in Conversation

On Sunday September 13, 2009 I presented to a group of about fifteen Black Unitarian Universalist (UU) women from my home congregation, the First Unitarian Church of Chicago. The group has been meeting over the summer and comprises about 30 women. I briefly shared some of my research on the presence of Black women in UUism including historic personality, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper and contemporary personalities, Polly McCoo, Norma Poinsette who has been UU for over 50 years and has served in a number of capacities.

With the help of my daughter who videotaped the session I interviewed the group and asked them the following question: 1. What attracted you to UUism? 2. What has kept you UU? and 3.What if any challenges have you experienced as a black UU woman?

I have not yet reviewed the video. They have invited me to return. I am looking forward to this. We plan to invite black women from the other UU congregations.

Question: What are your stories? How are you capturing them?

Blessings! Rev. Qiyamah

20th 'Ward Monthly Report from Alderman Willie B. Cochran

In my Continued efforts to become familiar with my community as well as to identify community sites for my students I have been involved in various activities. On the political front I have been interacting with the 20th Ward Alderman's Office since 2008. Alderman Willie B. Cochran is the Alderman and in that capacity represents all the residents in the Ward and serves as a liaison to the City of Chicago.

I recently attended the September 12 Monthly Community Meeting. I have attended over a half dozen of these over the course of two years. These meetings are a helpful way for citizens in the Ward to know what is going on, to bring concerns and to meet him and various elected officials and government agency heads from the City of Chicago. Present at this meeting were the following from the City of Chicago: Dr. Suzet McKinney - Deputy Commissioner of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Emergency Response, Gene Saffold-Chief Financial Officer and Ilana B. R. Rosenzweig, Independent Police Review Authority Chief Administrator. Each presented a thorough overview of issues. I will provide more detail at a later time. Just know that I am on the case! lol

Question: What are you doing to improve your communuty and the quality of life in your community? When was the last time that you attended a community meeting? Who you gonna call for services or redress?

Blessings! Rev. Qiyamah

Alderman Willie B. Cochran

Dr. Suzet McKiney, DRPH, MPH

Mr. Gene Saffold, Chief Financial Officer for the City of Chicago - the money man!

Ilana B. R. Rosenzweig Independent Police Review Authority Chief Administrator.