My new place has a fire place. However, it doesn't work! It is just for show!lol That is a coffee table in front of the fireplace.
It has windows galore which my cat Lily loves!
If you are like me then home represents a respite from the hustle and bustle of life. More than a place to lay ones head it is a womb/nest/ to hold me and revitalize me. Colors and textures and images all play an important part in stimulating and soothing me while providing a creative outlet. It doesn't take much to make me happy. Right now I am spending time creating a haven and respite to retreat to. My younger daughter Kaleema was instrumental in helping me to pull together my new space with some creative pieces and colors. See some of the before and after pictures.
Having lived in dorms and tiny spaces and others spaces over the last two years it is nice to have my own place. Drawing a paycheck once again I can spend money on some basic furnishings. Funny how guilty I feel spending money during such dire times when I know that some people do not have food to eat. My philosophy is as long as I am not being extravagant and selfish and that I am in service to others then I can tap into the "wealth" that we all deserve to have. I will talk more at a later time about my service and ministry.
This is my bathroom. My apartment is an old one with only one bathroom that is rather small.
This is the kitchen before installing my new stove.
This is my bedroom. It was completely empty since I had no furniture except a futon and bookcase.
This is my office/guest bedroom with my futon that served as my bed until I was able to purchase one.
You have seen the "before" pictures. Now here are some "after" pictures!
A little bit of paint, curtains and furnishings make a big difference.
This swag lamp and table add pazzaz as great accessories and are very utilitarian.
This is the previously plain black futon with a new African print cover going for an African motif.
This is my queen sized bed in my queen sized bedroom. It is so hugh that I have a book case and a bistro set (table and two chairs) that sit in front of the window that I sometimes take my meals at while eating and looking out the window onto the world.
The living room will provide a great entertaining space. That will be a new persona for me since I have not previously been one to entertain. But this apartment just lends itself to entertaining.
The galley kitchen works for me and opens up into the dining room which is empty except for curtains, pictures and chairs. I am looking for a dining room table.
This is an incredible mirror in the foyer and small bench that picks up the earth tones of orange and beige that bring together a peaceful color scheme.
I am grateful for all blessings that manifest in my life in the form of money, friendships, a roof over my head, food, clothing, my career and those amenities that allow me to enjoy life.
What blessings have you been given that you take for granted? How can you be of service to others as well as be true to yourself and practice abundance and prosperity?
Blessed Be! Rev. Qiyamah
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