Dreaming bout summertime!
I recently found a very short and rich article by Gay Hendricks in a publication entitled, Natural Awakenings. Hendricks article, The Next Big Leap: Moving On to Ultimate Success resonated with me and so on this Saturday morning as I working to jumpstart my day I reflect on his message.
Applying Hendricks thesis he contends that the reason most people fail to move into the genius is because we possess an inner thermostat that determines the amount of love and success we allow ourselves, a thermostat that is set in early childhood. He believes that when we reach that setting we sabotage ourselves in order to "return to the old, familiar zone where we feel secure." Some of the self defeating behaviors he identifies are: provoking arguments, getting into accidents, and becoming sick. Many of us could generate our own endless list based on our nuanced behaviors. The catalysts that we manufacture that then trigger these self destructive behaviors include: guilt, stress, doubt or worry.
Hendricks does not leave us to despair. Like any good practictioner he reminds us that we can use self awareness to identify our behaviors and reset our thermometers since we all deserve "greater love, creative energy and financial abundance, without the compulsion to sabotage ourselves... if we commit to clearing it out of our consciousness."
He suggests four critical questions:
What do I most love to do?
What work do I do that doesn't seem like work?
In my work, what produces the highest ratio of abundance and satisfaction tot he amount of tiem spent?
What is my unique ability?
Usually I end with a question(s)and Hendricks (www.Hendricks.com) are so powerful I have no additional questions. See you in your dreams!
There is a dream dreaming me somewhere! African Saying
Blessing! Rev. Q
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