Sunday, February 1, 2009

Setting Healthy Boundaries in 2009

Recently I was talking with a couple of sista friends about taking care of ourselves. I began to hear some themes emerge that I captured below.

May 2009 be a year full of adventure and growth. May we be mindful of the need to set limits while risking all for the joy of living fully aloud!
Blessed Be! Rev. Qiyamah

*Do not take work home.
*Identify the boundaries that you need to establish in order to live a balanced and healthy life
*cultivate a social life
*practice saying no
*give up perfection (remember, nothing can be done perfectly
*cultivate a network of straight talking-take-no-prisoners-friends that will tell you about yourself by speaking the truth in love
*don't sweat the small stuff and know the difference.
*engage in whatever spiritual practices work for you. If you do not have any it is time to acquire some
*what you feed will grow so grow yourself from the inside out!
*when difficult people come into your life ask yourself the following questions:
1. who is this person in my life? 2. what are they here to teach me? 3. what part of myself do they represent?
*Do not allow yourself to get distracted by your reactions to individuals or events or you will miss the message.
*trust yourself! Short of that, practice the art of trusting yourself. It will come more and more naturally.

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